Thursday, August 4, 2011

Appetite for Change

The past week, I've been dreaming like crazy. More often than not, my dreams have significant meanings... usually something I must pray for or against, as needed. But a few slipped past my prayer radar, and I mistook them as the aftermath of eating way too late at night. At the risk of opening a window for you to peek into my soul, I will share one with you... hopefully to your benefit.

So I walked into one of my favorite lunch spots thinking I'd order my usual. I didn't even bother to look at the menu when I confidently announced that I wanted Japanese Pan Noodles with Shrimp and extra veggies. The cashier looked at me with a scowl and said "We don't serve that anymore. Our whole menu has changed." Naturally, I considered leaving the restaurant, but since I was hungry and I believed in the quality of food the place served, I decided to at least look over the new menu. NOTHING seemed to be the same. I consider myself to be an adventurous eater, but most of the items on the list seemed... well, out of my tastes or bland. The cashier glared at me and said, "Well... are you gonna try something new?"

For YEARS I've been eating from the same menu. I love a big, juicy beefsteak kinda guy with bulky muscles, high testosterone, and a ego that stretches to the sky. Typically I prefer brown to dark-skinned fellas, but I wouldn't pass up a cutie with a lighter hue. Before long, I realized one thing. No matter how different they seem to be, the guys I chose were all the same.

The conversations were the same. They spent hours talking about themselves in the most shallow contexts... parties, favorite models and celebrities, and high school sporting events.

The silly games were the same. They would pursue me tirelessly, and despite my reservations, I'd give in... Then of course, their interest waned.

The results were the same. I could accurately predict the next move a fella would make. I knew when the confession of love would come, and the imminent disappearing act. 

They really were all the same!

That's not to say that all men are the same. I would never make such a heartless and foolish generalization. I am saying, however, that my lack of self-worth and fear of being alone rendered me a repeat offender in bad date selection.

And doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting a different result is called... say it with me... INSANITY!

So, really who's to blame? Those cocky fellas whose egos are still in tact, OR me? Put your hands down! That was a rhetorical question... Don't be so quick to exonerate them. :)

I'm not going to delve into the steps needed to change your tastes because I don't have them. What I do know is that there is another type of man out there that is confident, humble, and faithful at heart.... That's the type of guy that will earn my affections. As it stands today, my tastes have changed enough for me to recognize that these men come in different packages. Unless I'm totally repulsed by that package, why not give someone who's honorable an hour or two of my time simply to discover?

One more thing... all the dating books say that we should write a list of the qualities we want in a mate. I totally agree with that, but I'm going to "one up" the books. The list should be a living document. Revisit and edit it every so often. I'm a fairly quiet person, and after a date with a guy who talked for 3 hours straight, I prefer to be with someone who's a little less chatty (read "insecure"). When I do, I plan to organize those qualities into two different categories: non-negotiable and negotiable.

The non-negotiable things have little to do with my appetite for a muscle-y man, but EVERYTHING to do with his character. I must be with a man that loves and hears from God. His belief system must be similar to my own... That, for me, is non-negotiable.

Now that I'm a little older and much wiser (I have the gray hairs to prove it), I don't feel so drawn to the man with JERK written across his t-shirt. I've set myself free to enjoy some new, more satisfying personalities. This is the area in which my appetite needs some changing. But like I said before... this journey has only begun. 

So sorry... no satisfying written conclusion here, but maybe a reader or two will have a story to share?? But in the meantime....

Are you going to try something new??? 

Your cybersister,



Silent_Rhapsody said...

I like the way you paralled your change of menu dream to your men menu :). I also have noticed as I get older, my negotiable and non negotiable attributes have changed. As a teenager, you think you have yourself figured out, but the changes I've made in 10 years are astounding. Every woman should make that list and hold themselves to it.

Silent_Rhapsody said...

parallel* typo. Sorry I'm a little neurotic about those.

AlanaB said...

Well... the Lord speaks in parables, and it's our duty to search out the meaning. Love ya, sis!