Sunday, April 17, 2011

Why Blog?

I didn't really expect to be asked this question so many times, but the asking indicates one of the following: you're being entertained, you're being helped, or you're being offended. I apologize for the latter, but if my previous posts offended you, perhaps you should not continue to follow me. I'd be sad to lose you, but just the same, no sense in your being a glutton for punishment. The terseness will not end here.

One of my colleagues (who demanded I blog tonight) commented that I was surprisingly open and cutthroat at times. I agreed. "But if I don't show my scars and wounds, how can I help someone who's dying inside?" I can't pretend not to notice someone else's pain when I've known it so long myself. I've finally come to a place of rest in my life, and even though I don't have half of what I want or need yet, I'm content.

I'm only mildly annoyed that no one's asked me how the title of the blog originated, but perhaps my first three posts made asking the question a moot point. But back to what you did ask...

So a few years ago I wanted to start a food blog called Pro-MsQ-us Foodie... I used to be Mrs. Q. See why that won't work any more? Plus the less-than-tasteful title might give the wrong indication about who I was/used to be/might still be just a little. For that blog, I didn't do anything more than upload pics of my family. Last year at one point, one of my Facebook friends told me that I could make money from blogging if I provided ad space on my page. Again, I wanted to do it, but didn't follow through.

Last week, I don't know what changed really. I was just sitting here (in my writing spot) thinking about things and realized that I had a lot to say and no one to listen. I had spent Saturday night in the emergency room for chest pains and discovered how horrible it must be to live in physical pain everyday. I couldn't do much else but watch tv and write, and after a marathon of "Say Yes to the Dress" I opted for writing.

Simply put, I've been through a lot. I've gained perspective on a lot of issues, and though I don't have all the answers, I do have peace. I can impart that to you at the very least. Of course, I'm only qualified to speak from my own experience, and I won't presume to delve into anything else. But what I do know: family, food, faith, and failures... I will write about these things.
So what else might you expect from me in the future?

Thought-provoking, faith-building, gut-wrenching, conscience-piercing narratives of truth... I want you to take my story, apply it to your situation, and come to a new conclusion. Perhaps you don't have all the krazy quirks that I have, but in some form or another, you've got some issues too... so let's find some answers!

Whatever the topic may be, I want my readers to say at least once "I guess I never thought about it that way before." If you have that moment, share it with me. If you think I'm absolutely insane, you can share that too. If you want to comment on the quality of my writing in a negative way, tell someone else.

Which brings me to sharing... If this blog has helped you in any way, pass it on. Perhaps you know someone who's dealt with loneliness and abandonment, and there's nothing you can say to help them. Share the blog. Or maybe you know someone who's an absolute jerk when it comes to matters of the heart. Pass it on... you don't have to tell them why. Just pass me on... I've made it to Tanzania once, and I've got my fingers crossed that a few new more nations will pop up on my audience map. It doesn't matter where we are on the planet, we all deal with the same painful situations that damage our souls and make us easy prey.

So with that said, I shall continue meditating and reflecting on the things that have changed me, and when the time is right, I shall blog about them.

Join me as I take a few more steps towards a krazy-free lifestyle... And share how your kraziness is coming to an end too.

Your cyber-sister,


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